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what is best disposable glass sperm counting chamber slide for Russia animal breeding genetics swine boar pig bovine casa software system sperm analysis

For animal breeding genetics applications—such as swine (boar/pig) and bovine sperm analysis using CASA software systems—one of the best disposable glass sperm counting chamber slides on the market is the Leja series. Here’s why Leja slides are highly recommended:

Key Advantages of Leja Disposable Glass Slides:

  1. Precision and Uniformity:

    • Consistent Chamber Depth: Leja slides are manufactured to provide highly consistent chamber depths (typically 10 µm or 20 µm), ensuring uniform distribution of sperm cells. This is critical for accurate concentration and motility analysis.
    • Standardized Grid Design: Their calibrated grid lines help CASA systems automatically and accurately count sperm, reducing human error.
  2. Superior Optical Clarity:

    • High-Quality Glass: Leja slides are made from high-grade optical glass, offering excellent transparency and minimal distortion. This enables CASA software to capture detailed images necessary for assessing sperm morphology and motility.
    • Optimized for Imaging: The optical properties of these slides allow for clear imaging even under high magnification, ensuring that subtle sperm characteristics are accurately recorded.
  3. Compatibility with CASA Systems:

    • Widely Compatible: Leja disposable slides are compatible with many leading CASA systems used in animal breeding laboratories, such as Hamilton Thorne’s IVOS III, CEROS II, Microptic’s SCA, and Minitube’s AndroVision.
    • Ease of Integration: Their design and standardized dimensions ensure seamless integration with CASA hardware and software, facilitating automated, high-throughput analysis.
  4. Hygiene and Safety:

    • Disposable and Sterile: As a single-use product, Leja slides eliminate the risk of cross-contamination between samples—a key factor in both clinical and animal breeding environments.
    • Quality Certifications: Often produced under stringent quality control measures, these slides meet international standards, ensuring reliable performance in high-stakes breeding programs.

Additional Considerations:

  • Application-Specific Options: Depending on whether you are analyzing human or animal sperm samples, you might choose slides with specific chamber depths or grid patterns tailored to the sample type. For animal breeding, especially for species like swine and bovine, slides with a slightly deeper chamber may be advantageous to accommodate higher sperm concentrations.
  • Supplier and Support: When sourcing disposable glass slides, consider suppliers with strong technical support and a proven track record in delivering high-quality products for CASA applications. Leja is a well-established brand in this field and is widely recognized by laboratories around the world, including in Russia.

For advanced animal breeding genetics and reproductive applications using CASA systems, Leja disposable glass sperm counting chamber slides offer a combination of precision, optical quality, and reliability. These qualities are essential for accurate sperm analysis in swine, bovine, and other livestock AI programs, making them one of the best choices in the market.

Howerver,recent years,China disposable glass sperm counting chamber slide factory-ASCEN brand has been breakthrough IMV LEJA Slides technology and perfect match with the world most of advanced casa software system for automatic sperm analysis in the market,perfer alternative to IMV LEJA Slides.

China brand ASCEN CASA Sperm Semen Counting Chamber Slide alternative to IMV LEJA Slide and Minitube Slide for animal livestock swine pig boar bovine cattle breeding reproductive genetics artificial insemination sperm anlaysis,perfect compatible to Computer Assisted Sperm Semen Analysis IMV Hamilton Thorne IVOSII CEROSII CASA Software System and Minitube Androscope Androvision CASA Software System !

Our ASCEN CASA disposable counting chamber slide is perfectly match with the world popular CASA Software system for automatic semen analysis.

1. Hamilton Thorne Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis
CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) image analysis systems are designed to bring quality, efficiency, and reliability to studies of reproductive cells in the human fertility*, animal sciences, and reproductive toxicology fields. Our sperm analyzers assist researchers and clinicians in analyzing sperm motility, morphology, or other characteristics in human fertility, toxicology, research, and animal applications. IVOS II CASA Sperm Analyzer, CEROS II Microscope Sperm Analyzer, TOX IVOS II CASA Semen Analyzer

2. MICROPTIC CASA Systems SCA CASA System for semen analysis allows the accurate, repetitive and automatic assessment of the following sperm parameters: motility, concentration, morphology, DNA fragmentation, vitality, acrosome reaction and leukocytes.

3. Minitube AndroVision: CASA software with PC and monitor
AndroVision CASA Analyzer is a highly precise automated system for computerized semen analysis. It not only provides classical analyses of motility, concentration and morphology, but also various fluorescence based assessments of sperm functionality. The basic system for the analysis of motility and concentration is complemented by optional software modules.

4. computer assisted semen analysis System - IMV TECHNOGOGIES
All these CASA Comptuter Assisted Semen Analysis Software System Analyzer popular in the market

Китай бренд ASCEN CASA спермы подсчета камеры слайд альтернатива IMV LEJA слайд и Minitube слайд для животного скота свиньи хряк крупный рогатый скот разведение репродуктивной генетики искусственное осеменение спермы anlaysis, идеально совместим с компьютерной спермы спермы анализа IMV Гамильтон Торн IVOSII CEROSII CASA программного обеспечения системы и Minitube Androscope Androvision CASA программного обеспечения системы !

Наша одноразовая счетная камера ASCEN CASA идеально сочетается с популярной во всем мире системой CASA Software для автоматического анализа спермы.

1. Hamilton Thorne Computer Assisted Sperm AnalysisСистемы анализа изображений CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis) разработаны для обеспечения качества, эффективности и надежности исследований репродуктивных клеток в области фертильности человека*, животноводства и репродуктивной токсикологии. Наши анализаторы спермы помогают исследователям и клиницистам анализировать подвижность, морфологию и другие характеристики сперматозоидов в репродуктологии, токсикологии, научных исследованиях и при использовании на животных. Анализатор спермы IVOS II CASA, микроскопический анализатор спермы CEROS II, анализатор спермы TOX IVOS II CASA

2. MICROPTIC CASA Systems SCA CASA System для анализа спермы позволяет проводить точную, повторяющуюся и автоматическую оценку следующих параметров спермы: подвижность, концентрация, морфология, фрагментация ДНК, жизнеспособность, реакция акросомы и лейкоциты.

3. Minitube AndroVision: Программное обеспечение CASA с ПК и мониторомАнализатор AndroVision CASA - это высокоточная автоматизированная система для компьютерного анализа спермы. Он позволяет проводить не только классические анализы подвижности, концентрации и морфологии, но и различные флуоресцентные оценки функциональности сперматозоидов. Базовая система для анализа подвижности и концентрации дополняется дополнительными программными модулями.

4. Компьютерная система анализа спермы - IMV TECHNOGOGIESВсе эти программные анализаторы CASA Comptuter Assisted Semen Analysis Software System Analyzer популярны на рынке.



Contact: Alex Chan

Phone: 18898665032

Tel: 0752-87966

Email: info@szyessmt.com

Add: 1st-3rd Floor,No.25,Shi Gang Xia Hua Guo Street,Xin Xu Town,Hui Yang District ,Hui Zhou City,Guang Dong Province,China